I am going back to the free games, ones without a monthly fee. I have always felt that the monthly fee is something that gets in the way of playing. If I pay a monthly fee, somehow I feel obligated to play that game, so I can get as many hours as I can on that game. I certainly can't see playing more than one game with a monthly fee, like many of the bloggers I read. Monthly fees are time-based. If you are paying a fee for two games, while you play one game, you are paying for the one you are not playing. It is a little like cable TV, where you pay for hundreds of stations while you can only watch one at a time.
I was reading in one blog a debate about two audiences in WoW: the questers and the raiders. The questers tend to play alone, enjoying the leveling experience by doing quests and crafting. The raiders like to play in groups by leveling in instances, then going on to the end-game raids, using crafting, I suppose, only for boosting the character's raiding ability.
I am more of a quester, because I have been disappointed so often by the instances and raiding. The unevenness of pugs is one thing I dislike. So many times members of pugs are not only rude and unmannerly but they tend to push their own priorities on others, rather than be understanding of the needs of others. Members of pugs can be either all braves and no chief or all chiefs and no braves. I have had members of pugs leave because the group was not fast enough, or members constantly say, "hurry up," like they don't have time for an instance unless it goes fast. As a tank, I bailed from one group that was particularly pushy and caused me to make a fatal mistake that caused a wipe. I am too sensitive to what others are typing in the chat box, but if I ignore it that causes more problems.
Ideally, members of a guild should quest together, but that doesn't always happen because of raid schedules or instance runs. Not all agree that questing is fun, and I have to admit that quests get boring after the third or fourth time, and not many agree that instances get boring after the same number of times.
Raiding is terribly boring to me, like banging my head against a wall night after night. I can never figure out what exactly is needed to complete some raids, although I have tried over and over to do what I am supposed to. I have completed some complicated instances with my guild, but some have taken months to figure out, so I fail to see where the fun is.
Enshrouded After the Dragon
The dragon has been slain… twice… which was the essence of the last post
about Enshrouded. And so the question becomes… what next? Since Enshrouded
is in ...
15 hours ago